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About Us
OnlyOne Printing Shop is located in Weeling, Chicago.
We has been operating a printing shop for over 20 years.
We started with a desire to serve churches
and have been printing at low prices for many churches.
We started our online store to provide affordable printing services
to everyone across the United States.
We hope to serve Korean churches, not only in the Chicago area,
but across the United States, and anyone with printing needs.

온리원 인쇄소는 시카고 Weeling에 위치한,
20년 이상 운영해 온 인쇄소입니다.
미국에 위치한 한인교회들을 섬기는 마음으로 시작한 인쇄소로,
지금까지 교회들을 위하여 저렴한 가격으로 인쇄해 드리도록
최선을 다해 노력하고 있습니다.
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